It is critical to support educational initiatives that produce quality results.
It is critical to support educational initiatives that produce quality results. I know firsthand from my days working at Berkshire Community College in the Math Lab how crucial a solid basic education is. We know that businesses look at the quality of the educational system as part of their business site selection process.
I will work to ensure that our teachers have the support and resources required to provide a quality education that produces quality results. I will ensure that our teachers are being heard and that their input is used to develop solutions to address educational problems.
I will focus on a quarterly roundtable with teachers and others in the classroom to ensure they have the resources they need to provide an education that is results based. COVID has had a negative impact and I will work to ensure a stable educational environment post pandemic. I will use my voice and decision-making abilities as a member of the school committee to ensure we have quality results and if we need to reinvent, we will.